Whilst no longer teaching drama on a day to day basis I recognise how strapped for cash Drama Departments are these days, and the tremendous pressure there is on the subject in the curriculum.
In the light of this I have decided to make these well received plays for young people available to schools on a no-fee/no-royalty basis. I know, as an ex-teacher, what a thrill my students got from performing these pieces, and the sense of achievement they felt in successfully bringing them to the stage both in Edinburgh and at school. Each of the plays in their different ways present the students with real challenges and all of them have a wide range of roles to suit students both individually and in ensemble work.
A copy of the play in pdf form will be emailed to you once you have completed the order form in the each section. This is a photocopiable resource and you can make as many copies available for your performers and technicians as you need. This really is a 'no-cost' offer (except 'For The Love of Willie' where a single charge of £60 will be made to meet my agreement with the estate of the novelist Agnes Owens) and all I ask is that you complete the form and email me a digital copy of the poster for your show when it is produced.
I hope that you will feel able to take up this offer and present these exciting Edinburgh Festival shows in your school theatre.
Good Luck!
Phil Tong