Each morning I’m struck with the understanding that this will continue long after I have the capacity to stand and watch. Too often we measure our lives by the yardstick of our own existence. The things we do and say today will matter far beyond the taking of our last breath. Everyday the rise of the sun shows me that life will continue far beyond my own experience of it.
This is a drama inspired by the magical realist paintings of the American artist, Andrea Kowch.
The play is set in a mid-west farming community in America in the early 1920s. Bathsheba is dying of consumption. Returning home for the funeral of her father, she reeks a terrible and silent revenge on her mother, Elizabeth’s lover, Robert.
Her father, to whom she was very close, has taken his life as a result of finding out about his wife’s infidelity.
Bathsheba leaves the farm as a teenager and returns a young woman; Over the course of this play she turns from a child into a young woman, discovering the vicissitudes of life along the way.